America, for me and all of mine, continues to be 'Great!'
So long as those welfare checks keep paying your bills....
Ignorance is bliss!
why do the republicans seem to have a monopoly on this behaviour?.
America, for me and all of mine, continues to be 'Great!'
So long as those welfare checks keep paying your bills....
Ignorance is bliss!
why do the republicans seem to have a monopoly on this behaviour?.
America is great. Republicans are well invested, with their endless wars based on blatant lies which only enrich weapons/defense/oil contractors while destroying the economy and our safety here and abroad, in sinking the country further.
Educate yourself about what anti-American filth republicans really are.
TYT - Gooooooo!!!
SOFIA- I wrote you a message and only half was posted (there is a glitch in this forum) so I'll do this fast. -
I agree with you 100% that the RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) are flithy, greedy well invested in endless wars based on lies! You are right!
GW Bush Jr was the worst president we ever had. Then Obama happened. I actually thought we would be a bit of fresh air. But he proved to be even worse. They are two clowns cut from the same cloth of corruption, scandal, greed, incompetence, lies, treason, lies and filth! If this nation was still ruled by LAW then GW Bush would have been charged with war crimes along with Dumsfeld and all the other traitorous filth. But as you see, nothing happens.
This nation's last hope for turning this ship around was Ron Paul. But of course, the media made him look like a looney old bat who "wears dirty diapers" because he was a threat to their establishment. Listen to his speeches. THAT is a true American speaking, reminiscent of what I suppose the founding fathers would have been. But of course, we can't end lobbying. We can't pull our noses out of the middle east and other nation's affairs. We can't replace the current diabolically complex 67,000+ page tax code with something that is simple and that prevents giant corporations from paying more than 1% tax. We can't establish rule of law. There is simply too much money at risk for the establishment. There is not much you or I can do and honestly, I doubt that either candidate this time around will be able to change anything for the better.
I'll still vote. Because now I can.
PS- Libertarian is the closest thing to what made America great to begin with- freedom, justice and small government. Educate yourself on what the founding fathers warned us about because that is all coming true.
why do the republicans seem to have a monopoly on this behaviour?.
Ohhhh, Republicans.... The Party of 'family values'!!!
Bunch of sexually repressed men and and self-hating women.
Right, because the Democrats are a fine example of moral conduct and excellence. Last I checked, the Republicans (yes, even some RINOS) are the only ones who still seem to remember what made America great or at least are trying to. The Dems would love to take America down the "progressive" course, which is an euphemism for socialism/communism/Marxism.
why do the republicans seem to have a monopoly on this behaviour?.
My advice?
Don't go to gay bars.
Thanks for the advice. Perhaps I should have chosen my words more carefully.. LOL
below is a message i sent to a witness in chile.
i have included it in its raw form with spelling mistakes included.
i was deep in thought this evening so i thought i would ask you directly to get your honest opinion on it, and i guess if you block me then that's ok.. seriously were you totally unaware that the chilean flag is placed inside the kingdom halls to avoid having to pay a fine during fiestas patrias celebrations (september 18-19).
@Giordano- Exactly. You attract more flies with honey than vinegar!
here is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
@depressedsoul- Shhhhh! But I like the way you are thinking. I suggest doing this on an old laptop that fits in your cooler bag and attaching a WiFi boosting antenna so that the signal will be strong within a 150 foot (50m) range and their chance of locating you will be greatly reduced.Very cheap to do and easy.
Edit: If money is not an issue then the suggestion from tim3I0rd is even better. Piratebox- or try this link
why do the republicans seem to have a monopoly on this behaviour?.
@Simon- I agree that this happens more often than not but is not indicative that all who oppose gays are so.
I don't hate gays for who they are but I hate having their lifestyle forced in my face. I believe this sentiment reflects most who oppose gay marriage and the like.
why do the republicans seem to have a monopoly on this behaviour?.
i always had a problem with the belief that god is allowing all the suffering in this world to go on just to vindicate his name and prove the devil wrong.
i watched this movie on netflix and i can really see why the atheist movement is growing.
it really does a good job of portraying the suffering in some parts of the world.
@Vidiot- You took the book right out of my mouth!
Evolution is very simple!
today's watchtower:.
obey us, obey us even when it seems strange, obeying our man made hierarchy equates to obeying god, sacrifice your own interests, work for us, don't be independent, put your own interests aside, obey some more, preach for us, build for us, enjoy it, obey some more, forgive when we are jerks to you and mistreat you, accept your changed assignment even if it seems cruel and doesn't make sense, don't complain if we move you (eg.
) because you might have to move in the new world, remember you are being trained to obey, remember to put your own interests aside, that's the way we are designed to live - it will only make you happy!